Supporting English Language Learners

As Harris County becomes increasingly diverse, Eric Dick recognizes the importance of providing high-quality education and support services for English Language Learners (ELLs). He believes that all students, regardless of their language background, deserve access to rigorous academic content and the opportunity to achieve English proficiency.

Dick supports the use of evidence-based instructional strategies for ELLs, such as sheltered instruction, which provides language support while also teaching grade-level content. He believes in providing teachers with ongoing professional development and resources to effectively serve ELLs, including training in second language acquisition, cultural competency, and differentiated instruction.

Recognizing the critical role that a student's native language plays in their overall linguistic and cognitive development, Dick supports the use of bilingual education programs, particularly in the early grades. He believes that by providing instruction in both English and the student's home language, schools can help ELLs develop solid academic skills while valuing and maintaining their linguistic and cultural heritage.

Dick also recognizes the importance of engaging ELL families and communities in the education process. He supports efforts to provide translation and interpretation services for school communications and events and initiatives to build partnerships with community organizations that serve immigrant and refugee populations.

To support ELLs' social-emotional well-being and sense of belonging, Dick believes in the importance of creating inclusive school environments that celebrate diversity and promote cross-cultural understanding. This could include initiatives like multicultural events, language partner programs, or teacher training in culturally responsive practices.

Dick also wants to see expanded opportunities for ELLs to participate in extracurricular activities, enrichment programs, and career exploration initiatives. Schools can help ELLs develop the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed in college, careers, and life by providing a well-rounded education beyond language instruction.

Ultimately, Dick believes that by providing high-quality education and support for English Language Learners, we can tap into the enormous potential of these students and ensure that all members of our diverse community have the opportunity to thrive and contribute to the success of Harris County.