Elevating the Teaching Profession

Eric Dick recognizes that the single most important in-school factor for student success is the quality of the teacher in the classroom. He believes supporting and elevating the teaching profession is essential to providing a world-class education for every Harris County child.

To attract and retain top teaching talent, Dick advocates for competitive salaries and benefits that recognize the vital importance of educators' work. He believes teacher pay scales should reward excellence and provide opportunities for career advancement, such as through leadership roles or master teacher positions.

Dick also wants to see more significant investment in teacher preparation and professional development programs, to ensure that all educators have the knowledge, skills, and support they need to excel in the classroom. This could include expanded partnerships between school districts and teacher preparation programs and ongoing training and coaching opportunities tailored to teachers' individual needs and school contexts.

Recognizing the challenges and stresses that many teachers face, Dick believes in the importance of creating supportive, collaborative school environments that value teacher expertise and autonomy. He wants to see more opportunities for teachers to have a voice in school decision-making, to work together in professional learning communities, and to receive meaningful feedback and support from school leaders.

Dick also recognizes the need to address the teacher shortage that affects many schools, particularly in high-need subject areas and communities. To attract more talented individuals into the profession, he supports initiatives like teacher residency programs, which provide aspiring teachers with intensive classroom experience and mentoring while they complete their training.

At the same time, Dick believes in the importance of maintaining high standards for the teaching profession and holding educators accountable for student learning. He supports fair, multi-measure evaluation systems that provide teachers with meaningful feedback and support for continuous improvement while identifying those needing additional assistance or better suited to the profession.

Ultimately, Dick believes that by elevating the teaching profession and supporting educators' growth and success, we can create a virtuous cycle of improved instruction, increased student achievement, and tremendous respect and appreciation for the vital work that teachers do every day.