Expanding Educational Opportunities

At the heart of Eric Dick's approach to education is a deep commitment to ensuring that every student in Harris County has access to a high-quality education that prepares them for success in life. He believes our schools should provide many learning opportunities to meet students' diverse needs and interests, from solid academic programs to career and technical education, fine arts, and extracurricular activities.

Recognizing that education is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor, Dick supports a variety of educational options, including traditional public schools, public charter schools, magnet programs, and partnerships with community colleges and universities. He believes all schools should be held to high academic standards and have the necessary resources to help every student achieve their full potential.

Dick advocates for equitable funding formulas that account for each school's and student population's unique needs. This approach ensures that all children, regardless of their background or zip code, have access to experienced teachers, up-to-date instructional materials, and well-maintained facilities.

While Dick supports educational choice and innovation, he also believes in the importance of local control and accountability. He trusts locally elected school boards to make decisions that best serve their communities, and he opposes efforts by outside entities to micromanage or undermine the autonomy of these boards.