Fostering Character and Citizenship

Beyond academics and job skills, Eric Dick believes that a well-rounded education must also nurture students' character, values, and sense of civic responsibility. He supports the integration of character education throughout the curriculum, with an emphasis on traits like integrity, respect, compassion, and perseverance.

Dick believes that schools should be safe, supportive environments where students feel valued and encouraged to reach their full potential. He supports initiatives to promote a positive school climate, such as anti-bullying programs, social-emotional learning, and restorative justice practices that build strong relationships and teach students how to resolve conflicts peacefully.

As a proponent of community service and civic engagement, Dick wants to see more opportunities for students to get involved in local issues and causes. This could include service learning projects, student government programs, or partnerships with community organizations that allow students to apply their skills and knowledge to real-world challenges.

Dick also believes in the importance of teaching students about the fundamental principles of American democracy, including the rule of law, individual liberty, and equal rights. He supports a vital civics education that helps students understand how government works, how to participate effectively in the political process, and how to exercise their rights and responsibilities as citizens.

While Dick firmly believes in the separation of church and state, he also recognizes the critical role that faith and values play in the lives of many students and families. He supports the right of students to voluntarily express their religious beliefs at school as long as such expressions do not disrupt the educational environment or infringe on the rights of others.

Ultimately, Dick believes that by fostering strong character, engaged citizenship, and respect for diversity, our schools can help students develop into ethical, compassionate, and responsible adults who are prepared to lead and serve in their communities.