Eric Dick's Impactful Tenure at the Harris County Department of Education


Since his election to the Harris County Department of Education (HCDE) Board of Trustees in 2016, Eric Dick has consistently demonstrated a deep commitment to advancing educational opportunities and support services for students across Harris County. As a passionate advocate for innovation, equity, and excellence in education, Dick has spearheaded numerous initiatives and programs that have made a tangible difference in the lives of countless children, families, and educators.

Through his leadership roles as President and Vice President of the board, as well as his tireless efforts as a trustee, Dick has helped to steer HCDE through a period of significant growth and transformation. He has championed the expansion of critical services like early childhood education, special education, adult learning, and wraparound support for students and families while ensuring that the department remains fiscally responsible and accountable to taxpayers.

This document provides a detailed overview of Eric Dick's most notable achievements and contributions during his tenure at HCDE, organized around several key areas of impact.

Expanding Early Childhood Education:

One of Eric Dick's top priorities as an HCDE trustee has been to expand access to high-quality early childhood education, particularly for children from low-income families. Recognizing the critical importance of the early years for brain development and future academic success, Dick has been a stalwart champion of HCDE's Head Start and Early Head Start programs.

In 2017, when some board members proposed closing or limiting HCDE's Head Start centers due to budgetary concerns, Dick played a crucial role in securing unanimous board approval to continue operating all 15 centers. This essential decision ensured that over 1,300 children in North and Northeast Houston continued to receive comprehensive early childhood education services, including cognitive, social-emotional, and physical development support.

Under Dick's leadership, HCDE has not only maintained but expanded its Head Start offerings. He has advocated for increased funding and resources to enhance the quality of services, such as hiring additional teachers and support staff, upgrading facilities and learning materials, and providing more professional development opportunities for early childhood educators.

Dick has also been a strong proponent of parent and family engagement in early childhood education. He has supported initiatives to involve parents in their children's learning, such as family literacy programs, parent education classes, and volunteer opportunities. Strengthening the connection between home and school, these efforts help to create a more seamless and supportive learning environment for young children.

In addition to Head Start, Dick has championed the expansion of HCDE's Early Head Start program, which serves infants, toddlers, and pregnant women. He has advocated for the construction and renovation of Early Head Start facilities to increase capacity and improve the quality of care. Notable projects include expanding the Humble, Barrett Station, and La Porte centers, which now serve more needy children and families.

Thanks in large part to Eric Dick's leadership and advocacy, HCDE's early childhood education programs have become a model for the region, providing thousands of young children with the strong foundation they need to thrive in school and life.

Strengthening Special Education Services

Another area where Eric Dick has made a significant impact is in the realm of special education. As a trustee, he has been a tireless advocate for students with disabilities, ensuring they have access to the high-quality services and support they need to reach their full potential.

Dick has played a vital role in the expansion and enhancement of HCDE's four special schools – Academic and Behavior School East and West, Highpoint School East, and Fortis Academy. These schools serve students with a wide range of needs, from severe emotional and behavioral disorders to intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Under Dick's leadership, HCDE has invested in state-of-the-art facilities and resources for these schools, such as the construction of a new Academic and Behavior School West campus and the expansion of Highpoint School East. These projects have created more inclusive, supportive learning environments tailored to each student's unique needs.

Dick has also been a champion of innovative programs and approaches in special education. For example, he has advocated for the increased use of assistive technology, such as adaptive communication devices and software, to help students with disabilities access the curriculum and express themselves. He has also supported the implementation of evidence-based practices like positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) and response to intervention (RTI) to identify and help students with learning and behavioral challenges.

Recognizing the importance of parent involvement and collaboration in special education, Dick has worked to strengthen the partnership between HCDE, local school districts, and families. He has supported initiatives to provide training and resources for parents on topics like special education laws, advocacy skills, and home-based learning strategies. Empowering parents to participate actively in their children's education helps create a more inclusive and effective education system.

Perhaps one of Dick's most notable achievements in special education has been his role in the establishment of Fortis Academy, Harris County's first public high school for students recovering from substance abuse. Dick was a vocal advocate for the creation of this groundbreaking program, which provides a safe, sober, and supportive learning environment for students who have completed a rehabilitation program.

Since its founding in 2018, Fortis Academy has become a national model for recovery high schools, providing comprehensive academic, counseling, and life skills support to help students maintain sobriety and achieve their goals. Dick's unwavering commitment to this program, rooted in his own experiences, has been instrumental in its success and growth.

Through his leadership and advocacy, Eric Dick has helped to make HCDE a regional leader in special education, providing students with disabilities and their families with the resources, support, and opportunities they need to thrive.

Advancing Adult Education and Workforce Development

In addition to his focus on early childhood and special education, Eric Dick has been a strong advocate for expanding adult education and workforce development opportunities in Harris County. He recognizes that access to lifelong learning and skills training is essential for individual advancement and regional prosperity in today's rapidly changing economy.

As an HCDE trustee, Dick has championed the expansion of the department's adult education offerings, which include ESL classes, GED preparation, and career and technical training programs. He has supported partnerships with community colleges, nonprofit organizations, and employers to create seamless pathways from adult education to higher education and high-demand careers.

One of Dick's most significant achievements in this area has been his leadership in the development of HCDE's new Adult Education Center, slated to become the largest facility of its kind in Texas. This state-of-the-art, 51,000-square-foot center will provide a wide range of adult education services, including over 20 classrooms and labs for GED, ESL, and workforce training programs.

The center, set to open in 2023, will also feature a "Dress for Success Career Closet" where students can access professional clothing for job interviews and a robust job and resource fair to connect graduates with employment opportunities. By providing comprehensive, wraparound support services, the center embodies Dick's vision for adult education as a holistic, transformative experience that empowers individuals to achieve their full potential.

Dick has also been a strong proponent of HCDE's workforce development initiatives, which provide training and certifications in high-demand fields such as healthcare, advanced manufacturing, and information technology. He has advocated for expanding these programs to meet the evolving needs of local industries. He has supported partnerships with employers to provide work-based learning opportunities like internships and apprenticeships.

Recognizing the unique challenges that many adult learners face, Dick has been a champion of flexible, supportive programming that meets students where they are. This includes initiatives like evening and weekend classes, online and hybrid learning options, and childcare and transportation assistance to help students balance their education with work and family responsibilities.

Through his leadership and vision, Eric Dick has helped to position HCDE as a regional leader in adult education and workforce development, providing thousands of individuals with the skills, knowledge, and support they need to succeed in the 21st-century economy.

Supporting Student Health and Wellbeing

Beyond academics, Eric Dick has been a tireless advocate for supporting the physical, mental, and emotional health of students in Harris County. He recognizes that for children to thrive academically, they need access to comprehensive health services and support systems that address their overall wellbeing.

One area where Dick has made a significant impact is in the expansion of HCDE's school-based therapy services. As a trustee, he has championed increased funding and resources for physical, occupational, and music therapy programs that support students with special needs across the county. These services help students develop critical skills, overcome challenges, and access the curriculum more effectively.

Dick has also been a strong proponent of integrating mental health services into HCDE schools and programs. Recognizing the growing prevalence of mental health challenges among young people, he has advocated for increased staffing of school counselors, social workers, and psychologists, as well as the implementation of evidence-based practices like trauma-informed care and social-emotional learning.

A notable example of Dick's commitment to student mental health was his leadership in establishing the "Because We Care" initiative during the COVID-19 pandemic. This program provided essential support to Head Start families, including food assistance, mental health resources, and remote learning tools. By mobilizing quickly to address the acute needs of vulnerable students and families, the initiative embodied Dick's compassionate, student-centered approach to leadership.

Dick has also been a champion of HCDE's efforts to promote physical health and wellness among students. This includes support for initiatives like the Head Start program's health screenings, immunizations, and nutrition services and the expansion of physical education and athletics programs in HCDE schools.

A particularly innovative program that Dick has advocated for is the development of an Equine Therapy Center to support students with special needs. This cutting-edge facility will provide horse-assisted therapy services to help students develop physical, emotional, and social skills in a unique, supportive environment. By thinking outside the box and embracing new approaches to student wellbeing, Dick has helped to position HCDE as a leader in holistic, child-centered education.

Through his unwavering commitment to student health and wellbeing, Eric Dick has helped to create learning environments where every child feels safe, supported, and empowered to reach their full potential.

Promoting Innovation and Best Practices

Throughout his tenure as an HCDE trustee, Eric Dick has been a strong advocate for innovation, continuous improvement, and the adoption of best practices across the department's programs and services. He recognizes that HCDE must be agile and adaptive and strive for excellence in a rapidly changing educational landscape.

One area where Dick has championed innovation is in the use of technology to enhance teaching and learning. He has supported initiatives to expand access to digital devices, software, and online learning platforms, particularly for students in underserved communities. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Dick's advocacy for technology access was crucial in ensuring that HCDE students could continue learning remotely.

Dick has also been a proponent of data-driven decision-making and the use of rigorous program evaluation to measure the impact and effectiveness of HCDE initiatives. He has supported the development of robust data systems and performance metrics to track student outcomes, identify areas for improvement, and allocate resources strategically.

A notable example of Dick's commitment to best practices has been his leadership in promoting the use of evidence-based instructional strategies and curricula across HCDE schools and programs. This includes supporting research-validated approaches like project-based learning, differentiated instruction, and culturally responsive teaching.

Dick has also been a strong advocate for professional development and continuous learning opportunities for HCDE staff. He recognizes that investing in the growth and development of educators is essential for driving student success. To this end, he has supported initiatives like the Teacher Tools Initiative, which provides classroom teachers with the resources and materials they need to deliver high-quality instruction.

In addition to his focus on internal improvement, Dick has been a leader in fostering collaboration and partnerships between HCDE and external stakeholders. He has supported initiatives to build strong relationships with local school districts, community organizations, and business leaders, recognizing that collective impact is essential for addressing the complex challenges facing education in Harris County.

A prime example of Dick's collaborative leadership style has been his role in the development of the CASE Debates program. This innovative initiative, co-founded by Dick, provides debate training and competition opportunities for high school students, with a focus on underserved communities. By partnering with local debate leagues and leveraging HCDE resources, the program has become a national model for promoting critical thinking, communication, and civic engagement skills.

Through his unwavering commitment to innovation, best practices, and collaboration, Eric Dick has helped to position HCDE as a leader in educational excellence and a catalyst for positive change in Harris County.

Ensuring Fiscal Responsibility and Transparency

As a steward of public funds, Eric Dick has been a strong advocate for fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability throughout his tenure on the HCDE Board of Trustees. He recognizes that the department must use taxpayer dollars wisely and efficiently to maximize impact for students and families.

One of Dick's critical priorities as a trustee has been to ensure that HCDE operates within its means and maintains a balanced budget. He has worked closely with the superintendent and financial staff to develop fiscally sound budgets aligned with the department's strategic priorities. This includes advocating for the efficient allocation of resources, the elimination of waste and redundancy, and the pursuit of cost-saving measures where appropriate.

Under Dick's leadership, HCDE has maintained a solid financial position, with healthy reserves and a track record of clean audits. He has supported initiatives to strengthen internal controls, improve financial reporting, and enhance transparency around the department's fiscal operations.

A notable example of Dick's commitment to fiscal responsibility has been his advocacy for the reduction of HCDE's tax rate. As board president, he led the effort to lower the department's tax rate in 2021, providing much-needed relief to Harris County property owners while ensuring that HCDE had the necessary resources to fulfill its mission.

Dick has also been a champion of transparency and open government throughout his time on the board. He has supported initiatives to increase public access to HCDE meetings and records and has advocated for the proactive disclosure of critical financial and performance data. This includes the development of user-friendly online dashboards and reports that allow stakeholders to easily track the department's revenues, expenditures, and outcomes.

In addition to his focus on fiscal matters, Dick has been a strong advocate for ethical governance and accountability. He has supported developing and enforcing robust policies around conflicts of interest, procurement, and other critical areas of board oversight. He has also been a vocal proponent of board training and professional development to ensure trustees can effectively fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities.

Through his leadership and advocacy, Eric Dick has helped to establish HCDE as a model of fiscal responsibility and transparency, earning the trust and confidence of taxpayers and stakeholders alike.

Responding to Crisis and Community Needs

Throughout his tenure on the HCDE Board of Trustees, Eric Dick has demonstrated a remarkable ability to lead and respond effectively in times of crisis and community need. Whether facing natural disasters, public health emergencies, or other unforeseen challenges, Dick has been a steady hand and a tireless advocate for the students, families, and staff of HCDE.

One of the most notable examples of Dick's crisis leadership was his response to the COVID-19 pandemic. As the virus spread rapidly in the spring of 2020, Dick worked closely with the superintendent and other board members to develop and implement a comprehensive plan for ensuring the health, safety, and continuity of learning for HCDE students and staff.

This included:

  • Rapidly deploying remote learning technologies and platforms.
  • Distributing devices and internet hotspots to students in need.
  • The development of robust health and safety protocols for in-person instruction.

Dick also advocated for the expansion of mental health and social-emotional support services to help students and families cope with the stress and trauma of the pandemic.

Perhaps most notably, Dick was instrumental in the creation of the "Because We Care" initiative, which provided essential support to Head Start families during the pandemic. Through this program, HCDE distributed thousands of meals, care packages, and educational resources to families in need, helping to mitigate the disproportionate impact of the crisis on low-income communities.

Dick's leadership during the pandemic was widely praised by educators, parents, and community leaders, who recognized his compassion, decisiveness, and unwavering commitment to student wellbeing.

Beyond the pandemic, Dick has been a strong advocate for HCDE's role in responding to other community crises and needs. This includes the department's response to Hurricane Harvey in 2017, which caused widespread damage and displacement across Harris County.

In the aftermath of the storm, Dick supported the rapid mobilization of HCDE resources and staff to provide emergency assistance to affected schools and families. This included deploying school-based mental health professionals to provide crisis counseling and support, distributing school supplies and hygiene kits to displaced students, and coordinating volunteer efforts to assist with cleanup and recovery.

Dick has also been a leader in advocating for HCDE's role in addressing systemic inequities and supporting underserved communities in Harris County. This includes his support for initiatives like the CASE for Kids program, which provides afterschool and summer enrichment opportunities for low-income students, and the Senior Citizens Program, which offers educational and recreational activities for older adults.

Through his tireless advocacy and leadership, Eric Dick has demonstrated that HCDE is more than just an educational agency – it is a vital community resource and a lifeline for families in times of need.


Throughout his tenure on the HCDE Board of Trustees, Eric Dick has established himself as a visionary leader, a passionate advocate, and a tireless champion for the students, families, and educators of Harris County. Through his deep commitment to educational equity, his innovative spirit, and his unwavering integrity, Dick has helped to transform HCDE into a national model for excellence and impact.

From expanding early childhood education and strengthening special education services to advancing adult learning and workforce development, Dick has consistently prioritized the needs of the most vulnerable and underserved members of the community. He has fought tirelessly to ensure that every student, regardless of background or circumstance, has access to the high-quality education and support they need to succeed.

Through his focus on innovation, best practices, and fiscal responsibility, Eric Dick has helped to create a more effective, efficient, and responsive HCDE. His leadership has been characterized by a willingness to embrace new ideas, a commitment to continuous improvement, and an unwavering dedication to transparency and accountability.


Dick has consistently prioritized the needs of the most vulnerable and underserved members of the community

Dick's tenure has also been marked by his ability to respond effectively to crises and community needs, demonstrating that HCDE can be a source of stability, support, and hope in challenging times. Whether navigating the complexities of a global pandemic, addressing the aftermath of natural disasters, or advocating for systemic change, Dick has shown that he is not just a trustee but a true community leader.

As Eric Dick looks to the future, his legacy at HCDE will undoubtedly be defined by the positive impact he has had on countless lives. His work has laid a strong foundation for continued growth and success, ensuring that HCDE remains a beacon of educational excellence and a vital resource for the Harris County community.

Through his vision, leadership, and unwavering commitment to students and families, Eric Dick has made an indelible mark on the Harris County Department of Education. His tenure is a powerful reminder of what can be achieved when we prioritize the needs of our most vulnerable, embrace innovation and best practices, and commit to building a brighter, more equitable future for all.