Promoting Student Health and Wellness

Eric Dick recognizes that students' physical, mental, and emotional health are essential prerequisites for academic success and overall well-being. He believes that schools have an important role to play in promoting student wellness, both through education and by providing access to essential health services.

Dick supports the integration of health education into the curriculum at all grade levels, with age-appropriate instruction on topics like nutrition, physical activity, mental health, and disease prevention. He believes in providing students with accurate, science-based information to help them make informed decisions about their health and well-being.

Recognizing the growing prevalence of mental health challenges among young people, Dick wants to see more resources dedicated to school-based mental health services, such as counseling, social-emotional learning programs, and partnerships with community mental health providers. He believes in creating safe, supportive school environments where students feel comfortable seeking help and staff are trained to recognize and respond to signs of distress.

Dick also recognizes the critical role that nutrition plays in student health and academic performance. He supports efforts to provide all students with access to healthy, nutritious meals at school and initiatives to educate students and families about the importance of good nutrition and healthy eating habits.

To promote physical activity and fitness, Dick wants to see more opportunities for students to engage in regular exercise and sports, both during and outside of school hours. This could include investments in school physical education programs, extracurricular sports teams, and community partnerships that provide access to recreational facilities and programs.

Dick also believes in the importance of ensuring that all students have access to essential health services, such as vision and hearing screenings, dental checkups, and immunizations. He supports partnerships between schools and community health providers to offer these services on-site or through referrals, particularly for students who may not have regular access to healthcare.

Ultimately, Dick believes that by promoting student health and wellness, we can create a foundation for academic success, personal fulfillment, and lifelong well-being. By investing in the whole child and recognizing the interconnectedness of physical, mental, and emotional health, we can help all students thrive and reach their full potential.